Danny Avila: “Expect Proper Banging, Sexy Main-Stage Techno At Beats For Love!”

Hard-hitting techno has long been married to dark nightclubs. Basslines snake through underground bunkers and kick drums thump through warehouse party spots. But what if this underground sound could light up the world’s biggest arenas? Enter – Mainstage Techno. Danny Avila’s latest interpretation of techno takes the white-knuckled strength of the best techno records – the kick, the bass, the hardness – and reimagines them for massive crowds. It’s the sound of the underground music he grew up performing, yet bolder.

Think state-of-the-art techno and its deep-in-the-club sonics, but tailor-made for thumping across the main stage. Premiered in 2021 at Tomorrowland’s Around The World festival, Mainstage Techno brings Avila’s underground roots together with a massive presence. It’s music made to be played on huge stages with massive crowds. And more than anything, it’s a journey – one taking Avila back to his DJing roots and the tracks he loves, with all of the knowledge gained from performing to hundreds of thousands of crowds. Welcome to Mainstage Techno and Danny Avila’s next progressive era.

Danny Avila
Source: Press Kit Danny Avila

Interview with Danny Avila

I’m very happy to speak with Danny Avila, how it’s going, Danny?

I’m good. I’m good. I’m glad to talk to you for a bit.

Yeah, me too. Can you share with us a bit about your upcoming performance for The Beats for Love Festival in the Czech Republic at Future Stage, and what fans can expect from your show?

Well, a lot of proper banging, sexy main-stage techno for sure.

You know, I’m always working on so much music, I’m always doing new tracks and working on new things. So every show I play, it’s hard to like expect something because it’s going to be a lots of of new music, you know.  So it’s yeah, mainly a of new music and a lot of energy and a good time for sure.

I recommend you stay a bit and see the location because it’s pretty amazing and such a different, as it is an industrial place, so you’ll be surprised what we can do in the Czech Republic.

Yeah. Yeah. It is going to be great.

Danny Avila
Source: Beats For Love

How would you actually describe your musical style to someone who has never heard your music before?

Well, my sound for the past four years since I created Main stage techno is I mean, it’s techno in a way that I created basically to bring more energy to the biggest stages. I created the sound to be able also to play some more vocals, some a bit of more friendly touch. And you know, it depends because I also adapt my set a lot depending on the crowd that I’m playing, but it’s always my music. I play most of my music. So my set, I would say 60, 70% Danny Avilla and the tracks for Main Stage Techno. But I also like to play new music that people send me. New producers are always sending me music. So I like to play music new music and adapt to the crowd a little bit. And every set is different as well, you know?

So do you like to support some newcomers on the scene as well?

Of course, it’s super important, but it’s also good for us because, if it’s good, It’s a win-win for both sides because they get their music played by DJs that are playing big shows and stuff. And also we play music that no one’s heard before, which is great, you know, because I love playing tracks that no one’s played. And I think it keeps the sets more interesting. So I’m always messaging producers and DJs like you guys have got new music that you haven’t put out. So then people come to my shows, they’re like, okay, I haven’t heard this song before, which I think is the ultimate goal, you know.

Well, the electronic dance music scene is incredibly dynamic, so how do you see it in a few years and where do you see yourself actually?

Well, I mean, everything changes so fast, honestly. Music is something that changes constantly, so you have to be updated. You have to like, realize what’s going on but not get too influenced by what’s going on. It’s more important to think out of the box and to prove to be more unique. I think that’s more important than trying to be like, okay, I need to adapt, adapt. But for me the answer is like, if you work 24/7 if you’re always on the go, always thinking you know about what you want to do, your career, tracks and sets and everything, you are on the right way to find your path, you know because that doesn’t happen in one day or like in one year. It took me 14 years of DJing to find my sound. You know, and something that I want to bring to the industry, and that’s something that I want to do in the next years of my career, too  I just want to be able to bring to the music scene something new, something fresh, something that can actually add to the table. You know, not music or tracks that have done have been done so many times. You know, more like, okay, this is something new, something fresh. I think this is my goal now, you know.

I think that you totally fit into the Future stage at the Beats For Love, That explains why you are there. Well, what’s next for Danny Avila? Are there any interesting projects or collaborations on the way?

I mean, nonstop, honestly like I have so much music to put out and it’s going to be a busy year for sure.

So I cannot wait to see you at the Beats For Love Festival. I will definitely be there when you are performing. So do you have any message you want to say to your Czech fans right now?

Oh, I mean, I love the Czech Republic. I’m so excited and so ready for the show is going to be a great one.

And I’m already I’m really excited. Can wait

Perfect. Thank you so much for the interview. It was a real pleasure to have you for a television OCKO and LoudLife and see you at Beats For Love.

Thank you.

Watch the Interview on our Youtube

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DANNY AVILA (@dannyavila)

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Veronika Blažková
Veronika Blažková
I have 12 years of work experience in the music business. During this time, I've developed my skills in different jobs, including being a host and journalist, as well as creating content for a music TV channel. My job includes filming for the most famous nightclubs in the world such as Pacha, Hi Ibiza, Ushuaia, Amnesia and big music festivals including Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, Amsterdam Dance Event, Transmission, and Beats for Love. I am good at making connections between people in the industry and I love to spread the happiness that music brings.

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